starting from the lowest to the highest
1. chipped
2. flawed
3. Normal
4. flawless
5. perfect
6. great
type tower
1. ruby
is the type of tower that attacks with a visual like fire, and with the type of splash attack
2. opal
opal attack one target and has an aura to add speed attacks from every tower and slate
3. sapphire
sapphire attack one target and each of its attacks to give effect to slow the target and have the furthest distance between the towers are capable of attacking land and air and creeps
4. emerald
a. chipped emeral

b. b.flawed emerald

attacking a single target and each of its attacks to give effect to the target and slow down has destroyed the power that is greater than sapphire but has a shorter attack range than sapphire
5. diamond
diamond affects 1 target this tower has the greatest damage among other tower because of its ability to issue critical damage and only able to attack the mainland creep
7. topaz topaz has the most minor damage but able to attack many enemies in one shot (multiple attack)
a. chipped aquamarine

attacking a single target and the lowest range but has a high highet speed shoot among other tower
9. amethyst
amethyst attacking single target and only attack air creep, but the amethyst is a tower that has the greatest damage to attack air creep.